Healing begins when we bravely share our stories

First let me say, I believe you. 

I grew up in an unpredictable home, and yet, was the first on either side of my family to graduate from college. I received my BA in Psychology from UC, San Diego and went on to earn my doctorate and trained beyond to become a surgeon, all as a single mom, and all before marrying a man I deeply loved. Years into my marriage, I was blindsided by betrayal. I was devastated and let’s simply say that it broke me in a way I could’ve never imagined.

For most of my marriage, I thought I was the problem. I was too sensitive, I was seeing things, I had trust issues. And I owned it all…for years. Because if it was me, if I was the problem, then I could fix it. And believe me, I tried. At the expense of my physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being, I tried.

But once broken, I couldn’t ‘unsee’ what I’d seen. And once I started seeing reality as it truly was, I realized that what I was experiencing wasn’t because of me, it was happening to me. That’s where my healing journey began. I experienced being alone in my devastation. And I determined that no one should be alone at such a grievous, defining moment in their lives.

To help women find hope and healing, to help restore the brokenhearted to strength and to sanity is a privilege. I can’t do the work for you, nor will I promise an easy path to wholeness. But I can promise you it’s worth it! You’ll gain new perspectives and fresh insights. I’lll partner with you as you begin choosing for yourself what you want and what you need moving forward. ‘Thriving’ is one of my desires for you. I see that for you, even as you may find that hard to believe for yourself. 

In the last decade, I’ve done a deep dive into pathologic personality issues, domestic abuse, and coercive control. I’ve invested in training to master the latest evidenced based techniques in order to walk with you through your healing journey of betrayal trauma and abuse.

We’ll do this together. I’ve got you,

Every woman deserves to live in peace, safety and truth.

These lingering traumatic shadows that overwhelm you with confusion, anxiety and doubt are keeping you from living your one wild and precious life. It is my deep desire to assist you as you gain clarity and grounding, restore your strength and embrace changes that align with your heart, life, and soul.


To walk with women through their healing journey of betrayal trauma and abuse as they gain clarity and grounding, restore their strength and embrace changes that align with their heart, life, and soul.